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Distinctive features of the essay genre:

  • The topic is always specific. Unlike an essay, where the range of issues can be extensive, an essay has a narrow focus
  • an essay in advance implies the expression of an individual, that is, the subjective opinion of the author, so it does not contain conclusions, generalizations or conclusions about the subject of description
  • personal characteristics of the author are important for the essay genre, because the essay expresses the opinion of a particular person on a single issue

Examples of topics for essays can vary from philosophical to literary-publicistic, historical, including biographical essays and others. By the way, fiction also refers to essays when the author’s subjective opinion is used to describe an event.

The beginning of an essay should contain some kind of provocation, so that the reader becomes interested in the research question. Quite often an aphorism or a statement that contains a contradiction or understatement is chosen to begin an essay

Essay structure or how to write an essay correctly

The structure of an essay is just as different from domywriting review or other student work. The presentation of your thoughts should be in the form of theses, which are immediately supported by an argumentative opinion – these are facts, experience, evidence or the opinion of scientists on the issue of the essay. You should not use a lot of arguments, it only overloads the presentation, two points of view as arguments are enough.

Usually the essay has a short introduction that explains why the author is interested in a particular issue. This is followed by a series of theses and arguments and a short conclusion, which now concretizes the author’s opinion to the question under investigation. Quite a characteristic feature of the essay is emotionality, expressiveness of presentation, which is achieved by short, simple sentences. It is necessary to pay attention to the style of writing, because the size of the essay does not allow you to move from a scientific and terminological presentation to a fictional one. The author should understand that, despite the external subjectivity, the essay should have an internal unified meaning, a coherence of structure, arguments, and judgments that express the author’s position.

Let us return to the title, since it is the only thing that unites this genre with all other literary works. The title of the essay should explain the topic of the work to some extent, although the internal organization can be arbitrary, there are no formal restrictions. Conclusions can be present in the text itself, they do not need to be put in a separate part. The narrative style is quite free, even colloquial language is applicable. But the most interesting thing about the essay genre is the use of paradoxes of thought, combining outwardly completely different, associative. The essay gives the opportunity to see the familiar through the prism of the author’s subjective view, which sometimes produces a striking effect on the reader.

Using essays in the teaching process

When teaching at universities, teachers often use this genre because it allows them to evaluate the creative potential of the student, his ability to state his own opinion in writing. In an essay, you do not need to prove anything, you just need to be able to explain your vision of the subject.

However, even in presenting your own opinion, it is possible to make semantic mistakes: the use of phrases that allow for ambiguous interpretation; listing of details; lack of examples and, of course, verbosity. If you find it difficult to evaluate your essay in terms of genre, you can ask the specialists essay writing websites.  An essay is all about brevity, clarity, and conciseness of wording, which is quite difficult when you can write freely, so it is important to reread the finished work several times.