Indian Springs, Indian Springs State Park, Georgia  5/5 (1)

34 people follow this spring.


Has spout, and is in a covered area, there is no light when it is dark so keep that in mind. This is a state park and the mineral content is posted, really high in sulfer and silica. The water smells like rotten eggs, and wow this is truly healing water. According to some this is in the top ten healing springs of the world and has been known by the natives as being sacred and healing. Some of the best water ever for sure!

Nearest Address

Indian Springs State Park

Directions from Nearest Address

Indian Springs State Park
678 Lake Clark Road
Flovilla , GA 30216

From I-75 southbound, take exit #205 to Jackson; proceed south on Ga. Hwy. 42 to the park. From I-75 northbound, take exit #188; proceed north on Ga. Hwy. 42. Approximately 15 miles from exits.

When you enter the park there is a stone covered area next to the river, in the front near the road. The water you want is in a covered open structure with the number 2 on it. You will smell it when you get close, for this water is extremely rich in sulfer. Don’t panic, you get used to the smell after you get a taste for this magical water, and after you collect it the smell leaves within a few days. The area is very well marked, you can’t miss it.

Vital Information

  • Fee: None
  • Access: Public
  • Flow: Continuous
  • TDS: N/A
  • Temp: N/A
  • pH: 7

Hours Spring is Open:



Submitted by: Nathaniel Sol Finkelstein


  1. I just started drinking this water. After only 1 1/2 weeks of drinking it, my knee no longer hurts. When I first tried to walk up and down the stairs to the water I could not do it. My friend brought the jugs up the stairs to me and I walked them to the car. Yesterday, 1 1/2 weeks later, I not only walked up and down the stairs, but was able to carry  two 7.5 gallon jugs filled with this healing water up both sets of stairs. Combined weight was over 124 lbs.

  2. Hello y’all. Since none of us can afford a chemical analysis to do on these springs and your average analysis does not include Lithium, which is a very important chemical. I am pointing everyone to this research done in 1886 on U.S. mineral springs to show how they could test for all of these chemicals back then so why shouldn’t they be able to test for them now. Indian springs is on this PDF link it doesn’t have lithium but it does have a whole lot of magnesium sulfate. indian&f=false

    Please add to the discussion on reddit.

      1. I am going next Month, February 2024… I will come back & give an Update. I’m SUPER Excited about this experience. I’ve been searching for things Natural & Holistic. I Luckily came across this Site from a YouTuber.

  3. My daughter and I went again to collect water on Friday July 12, 2013. We met and talked with some regulars. The water collection area has been cleaned up and repaired. The rate of flow was better – about a gallon per minute. There were people waiting in line with many bottles to fill, again. One man has been going for years (from Atlanta) and plans to spend the day! In general, I’d say it could take a couple of hours of waiting and collecting, so don’t plan to be in a hurry.

    I’ve enjoyed drinking the water and so has my family. The sign with the mineral content is back. There is also a list of “rules” to help serve everyone.

    I must say I haven’t noticed any startling positive impact from drinking the water, but I will continue to drink it. I take it everywhere in my water bottle. I’ve stopped drinking water in restaurants, or from any other source if I can help it!

    1. Becky… I see no postings for 2014, are you still going and getting water? I sure am tempted to go get some. When I was in high school we had water like this and I NEVER drank it.. IGNORANCE IS NOT BLISS. Now that I know the VALUE of minerals in our lives/bodies I’m excited to go check this place out. Please let me know if it’s still a resource. Thanks for posting.

  4. Stopped here in March 2023. Went very early in the morning, shortly after we arrived a short line started. Located at the bottom of steps. The water did have a strong sulfur odor, but this went away after several days. Overall wonderful experience, and very grateful to have tried this amazing waters.

  5. It’s $5 to get into the park – or you can purchase a yearly pass. If you go to your local library’s website or branch, you may be able to get a free pass. Please don’t take glass. It’s closed when heavy rains and at sunset.

  6. Just went yesterday! Great! FYI: A jug larger than 1 gallon will not fit under the spigot, so if you bring a 5gallon jug bring a 1 gallon to get the water and pour it into your big jug. But you only get two gallon fills at a time and then the next person goes, so to make it fair. So it make take like 30 minutes depending on how many people are there, but it's worth it! GO!

  7. hey,
    Stanley Springs is located just half an hour away from Cave Springs. The spring belonged to an old man who lived in Rome Georgia. He passed away about 10 years ago and made his spring open to the public. I went for my first time yesterday and ran into a family that had been drinking the water for 2+ years and they said everyone in that area drinks from it (so its safe) =) Heres the address Google maps gave me… “Old Dalton Rd NE, Rome, Floyd, Georgia 30165”. This is not exactly right though. If you are traveling north on Old Dalton road you will cross over highway 140 and the spring will be in a large gated community about a half mile on the left (after crossing over highway 140).

    If you get lost, just ask someone on Old Dalton Road where the spring is. They will know what you are talking about.

    I just recently submitted the spring and hopefully it will be posted soon. The water tested inbetween 6.5 and 7.0 on the ph scale. And the water testes about 47 ppm. This is great! I have been gathering 100% of my own water now for a couple months and the spring i have been going to have been about 90-120 ppm. This means that Stanley Springs provides “light” drinking water for everyday use. It truly is a great water!

    Also, by the way. It is not acually called Stanley Springs. It does not have a name! The mans name who owned the spring was “Stanley”. So i use the name “Stanley Springs”.

    – enjoi, and let me know how your experience goes =)

  8. I was there yesterday, Sept. 27, 2012 , and the water had changed! The steady flow had spots of interruptions that stopped the water. There was a film of phlegm-looking scum on the surface and worms were in the water. We had filled 2 buckets and poured out the water. Also, Ironically, the analysis of the mineral contents of the water that usually appears above the water was gone. I had been going regularly to get this precious water for just 1 year and was overwhelmed by the change that I saw.

  9. I live in Louisiana . I’m thinking of making a visit to Georgia myself soon . A good source of drinking water is essential . Indian Springs sounds very promising . Just about all the spring water you buy comes in “plastic” bottles . Which is very unhealthy .

  10. Thank you Joe! I will check it out for sure. I just submitted the spring in western NC, too. I am glad you posted, because I just had a major healing happen this past week, and I have been trying to gather the factors that contributed. I don't think it was one individual thing, but I had completely forgotten about drinking the Indian Springs water for over a week. I feel like a new person inside and out.
    Best Health to you!

    1. There was a spring up in Burnsville NC down 19 W, next to the Cane River. It is coming out of the hill/mountainside on roadside. I noticed it when I lived up near there, people would often gather the water. There are probably many springs like that thru the area.

  11. Hey Joe,
    I don't know of any other springs in Ga, yet. I know of one in western NC that I need to post. I'll bet there are tons of springs in the mountains in north Ga. Where is Stanley Springs? I was just hiking this week on a road called Stanley Creek near Blue Ridge, Ga. There were tons of creeks and waterfalls.

  12. Hey, I filled collected water there on friday. I loved it. Im happy to see some other people in georgia like gathering there own spring water too. By the way, do you know of any other springs in georgia? I actually found one myself which i would be happy to share. Reply back if you would like directions or more info. The only springs i am aware of are Cave Springs, Indian Springs, and Stanley Springs (the spring i found). Do you know of any others???

    – Thanks Joe

    -hah, when i bought home the Indian springs water my whole family thought i was crazy. They could not believe a water that smelt so bad could be so good for you =)

    1. Hi,

      I just started looking into sources for spring water and found all the comments here so useful on that. I live in the Alpharetta area and wanted to know where Stanley Springs is located. Also what does everyone generally use to store the water at home? Thanks!

  13. Went there this past weekend with my BFF. While appreciated, the people who come regularly have made up their own rules. Don’t go on the weekend it’s a long wait. The water was amazing and we learned a lot from the regulars who are there weekly. Simple rules although your wait time varies due to people filling up over and over again. We went at 1pm Sunday and waiting. Four hours to get a few gallons. If you go when no one is there you probably can get as much as you desire without holding others hostage waiting their turn. Glass isn’t allowed and one five gallon takes six minute to fill up 80%. The spout is small and pours out slowly, so have some patience. The ranger comes sparingly to check on everything. I wish the owner would change the mechanics of the spout and water transference. It’s outdated and with some minor tweaks could allow for better usages. I have noticed that it outperforms my ice machine and my other spring water I have been using. In addition there were plenty of other great testimonies from the regulars. Hope this helps. $5 for park entry

  14. I’ve been getting my water from here for over a year now. Don’t go after a hard rain – it will be closed to the public eye to flooding. If you’re a regular or go to other GA State parks, save some money (and time) and purchase a yearly pass – $60 (so once a month is $5×12). It’s the only water I drink now! Love it!

  15. I have loaded up a few gallons when I traveled south. Strong smell, but it passes after a day or so. I thought, the smell and the sulfur come from H2S dissolved in the water, so when the smell is gone, maybe some of the sulfur is too. I drank a liter one afternoon and the next morning my excrement was yellow. That was an eye-opener. I cannot testify to any health or wellness changes, but I figure the Indians were no fools, so if they thought it was beneficial, it probably was. One thing, ingesting a lot of sulfur will keep ticks and mosquitoes away — they can smell it even if you can’t.

  16. We just got some water from here the past couple of weeks. I tested the ph with a test strip and it was about 6.6 a little on the acidic side. The rotten egg smell seems to subside after about 2 days.

    The water is said to be full of minerals and healing properties. No doubt it is high in sulfur, lol.

    1. Went to the spring this weekend and there was not much of a line. Met some great people that have been drinking the water for some time. I haven’t tested the PH level but did ready a previous message from Quaves. But of course adding some lemon only to the water your pour out and drink will make it alkaline. Im gauging this process.

  17. Why not build a large trough with a lot of spigots to allow multiple people at once to fill up? Maybe a petition to extend access to the spring to 24/7 and install some lights around it.

  18. We went and collected water today, 06/29/13. The water comes out at a rate of about 1 gal/2 minutes. There is a sign which says you can only take 25 gallons per car. There is also a $5 per car entrance/parking fee required, even if you arrive by the back entrance – where google might take you if you follow their instructions.

  19. I am setting here drinking some now,I only live about 30 miles from spring.Yes is does smell,but after a few days no smell and it taste great, kind of clean and crisp.I am hoping it helps my liver.They also have a nice campground,and lake.


  20. Wow I can not believe there is natural healing spring water in this place. I can’t wait to go. I will bring my kids too. They will love this. Question: since this is string water, do I have to store it in the fridge? If not, how long can I store it?

  21. I went today and it was great!! I want to drink only spring water I gather myself but all the springs listed here are so far away from me! Indian Springs is the closest, but I would like to have a drinking water that is more suited to daily drinking. There has to be a spring closer to Athens, GA! If anyone knows of one, please post 🙂 Thanks!!

  22. How do you store the water after you get it home? I don't have room for gallons of water in my refrigerator. I live very near Indian Springs and this is good news for me.

  23. Thank you Joe! I will check it out for sure. I just submitted the spring in western NC, too. I am glad you posted, because I just had a major healing happen this past week, and I have been trying to gather the factors that contributed. I don't think it was one individual thing, but I had completely forgotten about drinking the Indian Springs water for over a week. I feel like a new person inside and out.
    Best Health to you!

  24. So, I went on saturday…what fun. I am usually the only one at a spring collecting water, but this is a popular spring and three people were taking turns filling jugs while I was there. A spring party!
    It was heartwarming to see people valuing this water enough to drive hours to come get it. I have been drinking it all week. I drank some fresh/high sulfur and it was fine ofr me. I let my jugs sit with the caps off and the smell dissipated after one day.

    It is a very smooth rich water.

    Many Thanks to Nathaniel for posting.

    1. Hello all.  I would be remiss if I did not first thank the creators of this site!  I do online research on natural therapies that can be beneficial to our health and mineral water is a real treasure.  Mineral water can help the body in so many ways. I live in Atlanta Georgia and already made several trips to Indian Springs.  The water is truly amazing and heavy because of its powerful mineral content.  I also visited and captured water from the Stanley Spring and find it to be less rich in minerals-especially sulphur content however it is excellent drinking water and far better quality than any tap water we regularly consume. The American Indians were so skilled in natural healing and knew what this spring has to offer the body.  I only hope that more people realize the importance of water to the body and how pure mineral water can help us heal naturally. It is my hope that this site only grows in its efforts to help others learn about natural springs.  Keep up the good work. “We come from the earth and the earth can sustain us”!

How to Collect Spring Water

Drinking pure spring water is one of the most important things we can do for our health. Our bodies are over 99% water at the molecular level, so water affects every aspect of our biology. Yet, not all water is created equal. Almost all the bottled spring water available is pasteurized for shelf stability, which neutralizes many of the powerful health benefits such as increased hydrogen, healthy probiotics, and crystalline structure. For more about why unprocessed spring water is the best water to drink, read this.

The best way to guarantee you are getting real unprocessed spring water is to collect it yourself. This is a short and simple guide filled with information about how to gather spring water. We will cover how to find a spring, how to collect the water, how to honor the spring, how to store the water properly and other tips. is the best resource for locating a spring near you. However, not all springs are on the map. First, check the map to see if there is a spring in your local area. If there is, look at the reviews and comments. Has anyone shared helpful information about flow rate or posted a water test result? Is the spring in a pristine area? Do a bit of research and make sure the spring is safe to drink from. If you have any doubt about the purity, don’t risk it and get a water test, HERE. If you don’t see a spring on the map in your area, there still might be some that aren’t listed yet. First, ask the older generation who have lived in your area a long time if they know. You can also ask people in your community who might already get spring water such as people at a health food store or at a farmers market. Another great option is to view A US forest service map, where many springs have been marked. You can view these maps through the Gaia GPS or All Trails hiking apps on your phone. The map overlay you want is USGS Topo. Not all are easily accessible or ideal for drinking, but some are and it can be a fun adventure to find them. We have found over half a dozen great springs this way.

Once you’ve found your spring, figure out how you are going to gather the water. Is it right on the side of the road and easy to access or do you have to hike to it? We recommend storing spring water in glass instead of plastic to preserve the purity of the water. It is better for the environment, your body, and the water. Even BPA free plastic has toxic chemicals that can leach into water and cause health issues. If you do want to use plastic for safety reasons when filling at the spring, we recommend transferring the water to glass as soon as possible. FindASpring is sponsored by Alive Waters, which offers beautiful reusable glass. They have a 2.5 gallon option, which is a convenient size for carrying that isn’t too heavy. They also sell handles that you can use to transport the jugs even more easily. If you have to hike to access the spring, we recommend putting the water jugs into an extra large backpack to hike the water out with ease. We use Osprey packs that hold 2 jugs each. You can also use a wheelbarrow or even a stroller depending on how easy a walk it is.

Filling 2.5 Gallon Alive Waters Jug

When you get to the spring, remember to first give back before you take. Springs are considered sacred in indigenous cultures around the world for their life giving water and also as a connection to the inner earth. A powerful and simple way to give back is to clean up. Is there any trash that needs to be collected? Could you move any dead leaves or sticks to improve the flow rate? Show up in service. Some other wonderful ways to give is with a moment of expressing verbal gratitude, singing songs to the water, offering the water an ethically sourced crystal, a feather, or some other physical gift. Flowers are a popular and beautiful thing to offer, but please be careful to source organic ones as most flowers from the store are sprayed with pesticides and can be toxic to put near a spring. Also, flowers can attract bugs as they decay, so it can be best to offer them to the flowing water directly or a little downstream from the spring head.

When gathering the water, fill the jug as close to the spring head as possible, never gather downstream. Be very careful as wet glass is extremely slippery. Make sure the lid is securely fastened. When transporting the spring water home, the jugs can sometimes slide around the car. Secure them in place or wrap them with towels or something so they don’t crash into each other.

How you store your spring water is essential. It is not pasteurized like spring water from the store, so it will start growing algae if left in direct sunlight. This is good because it means it’s alive! If the water you drink can’t even support the most basic life forms, how do you think it will support your body? Store your water in a cool, dark place such as a dark corner, pantry or closet. The fridge is ideal if you have room. Some people prefer to filter their water through a Berkey filter before drinking, but if the spring is pure, it’s not necessary. We drink our spring water completely unfiltered.

How long the water stays good for depends on how cold a temperature it’s stored at. Spring water is best fresh. We personally do not prefer to drink spring water past 2 weeks old. However, we know other people that will drink it at a month old. It’s great to get in a rhythm where you know how long the water lasts you and put your collection day on the calendar in advance.

I believe that water is calling us to reconnect with her in the deepest way, to gather our own water. Just like our ancestors did. Our ancestors didn’t have fancy water machines. They also didn’t create villages or settle where there was no water. Water was revered as the center of the community and the nodal point around which life could spiral out and take root.

Here’s to restoring the sacred connection with the waters of life.

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