Spoutn’ Spring, Frederick, Maryland  5/5 (1)

24 people follow this spring.


This website has the best description of it. http://funsprings.vpinf.com/spoutn-spring.html Parking for one car along side the road. We filled 37 gallons of spring water in moments. The water is clear, cold, and sweet. It’s believed to be very healing.

Nearest Address

9200-9598 Hamburg Road

Directions from Nearest Address

From 15 take Rosemont Avenue continue onto Yellow Springs Road continue onto Hamburg Road it’s on the right, opposite a small pulloff.

Vital Information

  • Fee: No Fee
  • Access: Public
  • Flow: Continuous
  • TDS: 7-12
  • Temp: 52.5-54.9° F
  • pH: N/A

Hours Spring is Open:



Map Link: Spoutn’ Spring Map

Submitted by: Rawbin, TS


  1. Hi,
    Thanks to all who help to maintain the spring and the website. I wanted to remind visitors that this is not a car wash or place to bring pets. Please don’t bring items from home to wash here. Please leave chemicals at home and take water from this abundant source to use at another location.

    Let’s enjoy this blessing for generations to come by honoring it and others who need to use it. Let’s leave it in better condition than we find it.


    1. its not up to you what other people can do you should only worry about what your doing not others its a wall free for people to come and go as they please

      1. I’d ask you too look at the BIG PICTURE and the ramifications that chemicals getting into this Spring will cause. Look at the damage that could be done to this natural resources. Some people just didn’t know that their behavior could cause problems in the future. This post was not about control but about taking responsibility. I’m hoping you will too.

  2. I love this spring but unfortunately since the beginning of 2022 it has tested positive for coliform bacteria with my at home test. I tried to wait till after the spring but and retest and it kept coming up positive. It’s now the fall of 2022 and it’s still testing positive. I would love to come back to this spring again one day but unfortunately for now I recommend staying away.

  3. Hello Dee, I don’t know when you posted this but I used to get my water from Henryton all the time until I had heard it had coliform bacteria but it was an old report so I bought a test and had the water tested last summer and it that’s a definitely positive for coliform bacteria. Problem lies in that at the very top of the hill there is a horse farm that could be contaminating these streams. There is another stream that feeds into that area that Misty Manor uses and they have totally decimated the trails with horse fecal matter and everything I just want you to know that I’m sorry for telling you this but I think that may be the source of where it’s coming from in the spring. The water tastes good but when I was drinking it in the middle of the night I would wake up with gastrointestinal distress not serious but enough that it was discomfort so someone with a compromised immune system could very ill or infants. But there is no apparently safe amount for coliform bacteria it is zero tolerance in water. Just to let you know.

  4. Friday June 25 2010,

    I checked the TDS and Temperature of Spoutin' Spring today.
    TDS was 7. Tempature was 52.5 degrees fahrenheit, 11.4 degrees celsius.
    Also I put in new PVC piping. The old stuff was looking kind of shabby.

  5. Some users
    put a filter on the end of the pipe which just backs up the reservoir into
    roots and moss naturally growing but usually not in the water flow thus the
    water is slightly contaminated and leaves fall down and get into the pipe.
    Please do your filtering at home. This is a precious resource and deserves reverence
    by all.

  6. If you are having trouble finding Spoutn Spring it is 4.2 miles from the Ft. Dietrich entrance at the intersection of Rosemond and Old Farm. Just keep driving on Rosemond heading out of town. Rosemond will turn into Yellow Spring Road but it’s still the same road, just keep going. Before long you will be driving in the boondocks but there will still be a double yellow line in the middle of the road. The spring is about 30 meters BEFORE this double yellow line ends. The spring is on the right side of the road just a few feet from the road. There is a small pulloff exactly acroos from the spring.

  7. Lately the water has been giving me the runs, I am concerned this is due to feces in the water after rainfall/snow melts. Has anyone else had this happen to them?

  8. I’ve tested pH of these water and it’s acidic with pH around 4. The Henryton Rd spring in Marriottsville is slightly less acidic, with h around 6. I would add trace mineral concentrace drops to this water if you drink it regularly to balance the pH into the more neutral/alkaline zone

  9. @MELINA , I have tested this water only with DTS tester, coliform test and test strips, and temperature… I found that this water varies from 4 ppm to 14 ppm I base this most-likely due to rain/ground/surface contamination and time of year seasonal issues. (of what is the PPM? I have no idea, but its minerals natural to the surrounding environment) this spring is in the hills of Frederick,Md. looks like granite boulders… the area looks ancient (as in dinosaur ancient). My wife spotted some pink-looking salamander in the spring-pool (possibly a newt of some sort) there is moss and beautiful ferns abound. the issue of a cancer-cluster local to this spring and its being near to Ft Detrick does not concern me one bit. I have done my “due-diligence” testing it for PPM (of whatever) and I personally use an arsenic reduction element with my Berkey Filter (Big Berkey) last week I retested the water (9ppm) it was 52 degrees F, and tasted good right from the ground (I drank ~1/2 liter straight from it) I filled 5 x 5 gallon water jugs for home use. as I do every month. my tap-water at home is atrocious 280-350 ppm and my recent “deerpark” brand bottled water experience was horrible 68ppm. I will drink Frederick water every day for the rest of my life if I have to… but Baltimore water,well, I will dehydrate before drinking baltimore water. good luck!

  10. Visited the spring today – our 2nd visit in 2 weeks. It is an hour’s drive for us from NOVA. As was the last time there was a slight wait because of so many people wanting to fill up bottles (last time was a Friday). It remains COLD, sweet and beautiful! My children take off their shoes and “freeze” their little feet in the water below the spring. Way too much dumping, though – many more bags of rotting trash across the street from the spring. I’m not comfortable hauling them home in my vehicle with small children – suggestions on how to clean it up?

  11. magical water… mystical mountain… fun experience with children! they can run up and down the mountain side while you fill up jugs. amazing blue stones at base of spring (beginning of stream) that children can collect while filling. SO FUN. we'll be going monthly to fill up our 10 5-gallon jugs. and we'll be trash/recycling collecting everytime we go~ as all water fillers should (area below spring is littered). please help. thanks findaspring.com!

  12. I went to this spring over the weekend, and it is great. However the area across the street from it was filthy. Trash was everywhere, and someone had left a pile of rotting deer organs, and skin behind some rocks. It really is unfortunate, Hopefully a clean-up can be organized at some point to fix this area up for all to enjoy.

  13. I used to driv from Annapolis for this spring water once every couple weeks but have since started to procure my water from the Henryton Rd. Spring as it is significantly closer as well as less acidic.

  14. hey guys! I’m planning to go to the spring in a couple of days. I live more than an hour away in NOVA and this is the only spring I found. Just wondering how is the current condition and taste of the spring?

  15. I tried to find it, but I wasnt sure where it was. Could someone tell me? There were 2 places to park, not right together. Is one of them the way to the spring, and how close is it from the street?

    1. Todd, if you input the address provided above. Keep going a little bit further and you will see the spring on your RIGHT and parking on your LEFT directly across from it. You can’t miss it! I just went yesterday.

  16. What’s the status on the spring? @felix: do you feel that the cancer cluster around ft. Detrick is a valid concern or is the spring deep enough not to be contaminated?

    What is your opinion on drinking without a carbon filter?

  17. DTS 12
    temp 53 at tap
    nitrate no
    nitrite negligible
    ammonia: 0 (using Aquaria Reagent Strips)
    coliform: no (using bacteria EZ Cult – MUG test procedure…warm temperature for 48 hours clear yellow indicated no coliform)
    ph not tested
    **tested using a home water quality test kit

    My wife and I have been using this source for 2 years now… we consume 20 gallons/mo mosltly for drinking and some cooking. We filter it at home with a Big Burkey carbon filter system and we also include an Arsenic reduction element as well… of all the springs that we have used, this particular one is the best tasting and the most pure of all the springs that we have encountered sofar… thisis why we are using it now, if we find a better one , then we will most likely use the better one… but for now this is IT. we drive 45 minutes per month to fetch this water as we believe that it is absolutely worth it. our tap-water at home is horrible… DTS’s at over 380ppm in Baltimore/ anne Arundal county… *and we have to pay for this horrible city water experience. so we are fed up for sure…. good luck …

  18. this spring made us happy. we were just here on 26 April 2015. I brought the TDS tester and the IR temperature guage. the water tested multiple times at 4PPM with a temperature of 42 degrees. the IR tester was actually the temperature of the spout in the shadow as IR doesn’t test the waters temp very accurately but tests objects surface temps. The water is delicious, with no mineral flavor. just cold, tasty water. (note: there was already someone there filling up some large containers of water, they were happy to know the water tested at 4ppm) this will be our source of drinking water as it tested more pure than any other local or municipal water i that we know of… and we do our own testing. next time we will test the pH and we will report back to y’all

  19. This water tastes foul. Long time user of it and for the past 2 times I have gone to fill up there has been a terrible taste to the water. I will not be coming back for a while. Very sad.

  20. I notice that the pH is not available for this spring; however, since limestone is mentioned on the descriptive site, my guess is the pH is above 7.0 or alkaline. Another guess is that alkaline pH could explain the “healing qualities” that are mentioned in the descriptive site.

  21. Visited this spring the day after Thanksgiving…there is a pretty immense forest to explore around this spring. I was visiting family around holidays and as always look up a spring to visit. I was happy to find out that my sister and my brother in law are now filling up at this spring weekly.

  22. Should be ok it’s been about a month now that it has had that odor and taste. My theory was that due to fall the decomposing forest floor from the leaves is letting a bit of sulfur into the water. I’m pretty sure sulfur isn’t bad for your health unless it is in large quantities I mean MSM is a form of sulfur that people are talking about helping joint issues. However I am not a doctor so I’d do some research for yourself and see if it feels right for you. However I have been drinking it and have yet to have any ill effects.

  23. And on top of that if anyone would like to try and organize a way to clean the area and help protect our water please comment on this post i subscribed via email so i should recieve updates via email. If we can get enough people together maybe we can clean the area and try and protect OUR water source. The water we drink we have to care for with the same care one puts into any other aspect of our life. I know i try and clean and do as much as i can when i stop by.

  24. Went last night and filled up the water had a unusual earthy? Taste to it different than any other time ihave gotten it. I though maybe it could be due to the decomposing of all the leaves in the area anyone have any thoughts on this?

  25. We visited the spring on Oct. 10, a Sunday afternoon. There was only one other car there. We filled a 5 gallon jug and several smaller jugs. We took home 12 gallons. I’ve been drinking this delicious water ever since and plan to go back when our supply runs out. It’s one hour from Tysons Corner, VA, and a scenic drive. Once you get off of 15 onto Rosemont, it’s about 5.7 miles up the road (road changes name twice) on the right We’re so glad we learned about this spring on this site. THANK YOU!.

  26. Saturday, August 07, 2010,

    I checked the TDS and temperature of Spoutin' Spring today. TDS was 6. Temperature was 53.6 degrees fahrenheit, 12 degrees celsius. It took about 7 seconds to fill up a gallon jug.

  27. I went to the spring today! I filled up a 5 gallon jug and am drinking the spring water in a green smoothie now. It tastes great! Don't plan on going back to tap water ever again!

  28. I am SO excited that there is a spring so close to me and in road accessible as I have Lyme's and can't hike. I will go there ASAP and I can't wait! Thanks Findaspring!!!!

  29. Happened to once drive by and saw a lady with many 1 gallon empty Deer Park containers filling them at the Spring. Asked what are you doing? She said , you didn't know? it's a natural spring and I come here every week.

    Have been there now 3 weeks in a row and fill up with water. The area across has just enough space to park 1 car; enough space as no one is ever there anyway. Water tastes great. You can fill up a 2.5 gallon container in seconds.

  30. I went to this spring over the weekend, and it is great. However the area across the street from it was filthy. Trash was everywhere, and someone had left a pile of rotting deer organs, and skin behind some rocks. It really is unfortunate, Hopefully a clean-up can be organized at some point to fix this area up for all to enjoy.

  31. I went to this spring over the weekend, and it is great. However the area across the street from it was filthy. Trash was everywhere, and someone had left a pile of rotting deer organs, and skin behind some rocks. It really is unfortunate, Hopefully a clean-up can be organized at some point to fix this area up for all to enjoy.

  32. I went to this spring over the weekend, and it is great. However the area across the street from it was filthy. Trash was everywhere, and someone had left a pile of rotting deer organs, and skin behind some rocks. It really is unfortunate, Hopefully a clean-up can be organized at some point to fix this area up for all to enjoy.

  33. The people who are mentioning the Cancer cluster around Ft. Detrick are absoultey correct. I would never drink this water. Agent Orange was tested and dumped at Ft. Detrick. Do your research and make your own decision but is a definite no for me!!!

  34. Just read the February 2011 articles about the cancer cluster around Ft. Detrich.  Hundreds of people have died because of the chemicals and poisons they put into the ground.  They latest research is 6 miles around Ft. Detrich.  The spring is only 4.3 miles from there.  I have asked several people who say that the spring comes from 100s of feet down, and it would be safe, but now I am wary of our beautiful water…. 

    May I have some feedback? 

How to Collect Spring Water

Drinking pure spring water is one of the most important things we can do for our health. Our bodies are over 99% water at the molecular level, so water affects every aspect of our biology. Yet, not all water is created equal. Almost all the bottled spring water available is pasteurized for shelf stability, which neutralizes many of the powerful health benefits such as increased hydrogen, healthy probiotics, and crystalline structure. For more about why unprocessed spring water is the best water to drink, read this.

The best way to guarantee you are getting real unprocessed spring water is to collect it yourself. This is a short and simple guide filled with information about how to gather spring water. We will cover how to find a spring, how to collect the water, how to honor the spring, how to store the water properly and other tips.

FindASpring.org is the best resource for locating a spring near you. However, not all springs are on the map. First, check the map to see if there is a spring in your local area. If there is, look at the reviews and comments. Has anyone shared helpful information about flow rate or posted a water test result? Is the spring in a pristine area? Do a bit of research and make sure the spring is safe to drink from. If you have any doubt about the purity, don’t risk it and get a water test, HERE. If you don’t see a spring on the map in your area, there still might be some that aren’t listed yet. First, ask the older generation who have lived in your area a long time if they know. You can also ask people in your community who might already get spring water such as people at a health food store or at a farmers market. Another great option is to view A US forest service map, where many springs have been marked. You can view these maps through the Gaia GPS or All Trails hiking apps on your phone. The map overlay you want is USGS Topo. Not all are easily accessible or ideal for drinking, but some are and it can be a fun adventure to find them. We have found over half a dozen great springs this way.

Once you’ve found your spring, figure out how you are going to gather the water. Is it right on the side of the road and easy to access or do you have to hike to it? We recommend storing spring water in glass instead of plastic to preserve the purity of the water. It is better for the environment, your body, and the water. Even BPA free plastic has toxic chemicals that can leach into water and cause health issues. If you do want to use plastic for safety reasons when filling at the spring, we recommend transferring the water to glass as soon as possible. FindASpring is sponsored by Alive Waters, which offers beautiful reusable glass. They have a 2.5 gallon option, which is a convenient size for carrying that isn’t too heavy. They also sell handles that you can use to transport the jugs even more easily. If you have to hike to access the spring, we recommend putting the water jugs into an extra large backpack to hike the water out with ease. We use Osprey packs that hold 2 jugs each. You can also use a wheelbarrow or even a stroller depending on how easy a walk it is.

Filling 2.5 Gallon Alive Waters Jug

When you get to the spring, remember to first give back before you take. Springs are considered sacred in indigenous cultures around the world for their life giving water and also as a connection to the inner earth. A powerful and simple way to give back is to clean up. Is there any trash that needs to be collected? Could you move any dead leaves or sticks to improve the flow rate? Show up in service. Some other wonderful ways to give is with a moment of expressing verbal gratitude, singing songs to the water, offering the water an ethically sourced crystal, a feather, or some other physical gift. Flowers are a popular and beautiful thing to offer, but please be careful to source organic ones as most flowers from the store are sprayed with pesticides and can be toxic to put near a spring. Also, flowers can attract bugs as they decay, so it can be best to offer them to the flowing water directly or a little downstream from the spring head.

When gathering the water, fill the jug as close to the spring head as possible, never gather downstream. Be very careful as wet glass is extremely slippery. Make sure the lid is securely fastened. When transporting the spring water home, the jugs can sometimes slide around the car. Secure them in place or wrap them with towels or something so they don’t crash into each other.

How you store your spring water is essential. It is not pasteurized like spring water from the store, so it will start growing algae if left in direct sunlight. This is good because it means it’s alive! If the water you drink can’t even support the most basic life forms, how do you think it will support your body? Store your water in a cool, dark place such as a dark corner, pantry or closet. The fridge is ideal if you have room. Some people prefer to filter their water through a Berkey filter before drinking, but if the spring is pure, it’s not necessary. We drink our spring water completely unfiltered.

How long the water stays good for depends on how cold a temperature it’s stored at. Spring water is best fresh. We personally do not prefer to drink spring water past 2 weeks old. However, we know other people that will drink it at a month old. It’s great to get in a rhythm where you know how long the water lasts you and put your collection day on the calendar in advance.

I believe that water is calling us to reconnect with her in the deepest way, to gather our own water. Just like our ancestors did. Our ancestors didn’t have fancy water machines. They also didn’t create villages or settle where there was no water. Water was revered as the center of the community and the nodal point around which life could spiral out and take root.

Here’s to restoring the sacred connection with the waters of life.

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